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Please note: this event has already taken place
Dit is het verplaatste programma van 19 maart 2022, dat vanwege de maatregelen rondom het coronavirus op de oorspronkelijke datum geen doorgang kon vinden. Kaarten en lidmaatschappen blijven geldig voor de nieuwe datum, kaartkopers ontvangen per mail meer informatie over wat te doen bij verhindering op deze nieuwe datum. Er worden ook VIP-tickets verkocht:. The VIP Soundcheck Experience will include the following: Watch the band soundcheck, Q&A with the band, Receive a pre-signed poster, Photo of you standing in front of the stage with the band on stage, First entry when doors open.
16:45 Check-in VIP 20:00 Doors GA 20:30 Daytime TV 21:30 Blue October
Blue October is an American alternative rock band originally from Houston, Texas. The band was formed in 1995 and is currently composed of singer/guitarist Justin Furstenfeld, drummer Jeremy Furstenfeld, multi-instrumentalist Ryan Delahoussaye, bassist Matt Noveskey, and lead guitarist Will Knaak. The band has had seventeen Top 40 singles on the alternative rock chart over their past eight studio albums and are best known for their platinum singles "Hate Me" and "Into the Ocean" from their 2006 platinum album Foiled.