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Please note: this event has already taken place
18:30 Doors 18:55 Vulvodynia 19:40 Revocation 20:40 Shadow of Intent 22:00 Cattle Decapitation
Cattle Decapitation and Shadow of Intent join forces for a crushing death metal night on the Terrasitic Reconquest tour!
The American deathgrind of Cattle Decapitation is aggressive, technical, and melodic, but doesn’t shy away from tackling serious topics like the environment and animal rights. Their latest release Terrasite hits just as hard as the message they deliver.
Shadow of Intent already made an impression as a support act for Heaven Shall Burn. This four-piece band creates their sound by blending influences from death metal, black metal, symphonic metal, progressive metal, and metalcore.
The night kicks off with the progressive death metal of Revocation and the South African deathcore of Vulvodynia.