Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Deze show is uitverkocht, via ons officiële verkoopkanaal Ticketmaster zijn geen tickets meer verkrijgbaar. LET OP: er zijn veel oplichters actief op de diverse doorverkoopkanalen. We raden aan alleen tickets over te kopen van een persoon die je kent.
This Toronto punk band is rocking out since 2013 under the name of PUP, which stands for Pathetic Use of Potential. The fourpiece quickly got signed to the renowned punk label SideOneDummy Records and started touring the world. For their third album 'Morbid Stuff' the band moved to the equally renowned Rise Records and this sping this label will also release the new and fourth album 'The Unraveling of Puptheband', produced by Peter Katis (The National, Interpol, Gangs Of Youth). With this new album and healthy dose of punk attitude PUP returns to our OZ!