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19:30 zaal open 20:00 yoanne 21:00 Noa Lauryn 22:00 JOLENE
Born and raised in Amsterdam, Noa Lauryn grew up as a musician's daughter. Soul and Jazz were molded into her. The car never lacked D'Angelo, Marvin Gaye and Snoop Dogg. With father (bassist Manuel Hugas, a.o. Liquid Spirits) she went along to gigs and from mother she learned to sing. Inevitably, she would find her own way to the stage. Lauryn's debut EP Colin Street (2020) received praise from Sublime, NPO Soul & Jazz, 3voor12, Dancing Bears (BE) and more. In 2021, she participated in the traveling showcase festival Popronde.
This year she released a collab project together with Amsterdam-based singersong rapper Benjamin Fro called Remember Summer. Together they toured throughout the Netherlands and Germany this summer. Her first full-length album, funded in part by Fonds Podiumkunsten and SENA Production Fund, is scheduled for March 2023. On that album, she has collaborated with Candy Dulfer, Kay Slice and Zulu Green, among others.
On November 18, Noa Lauryn will perform at Melkweg RADAR, with JOLENE and yoanne also on the lineup this evening.