Please note: this event has already taken place
Would you like to know more about the Surinamese tradition of Angisa and its significance in Afro-Surinamese culture? Then join the workshop and talk on Wednesday, June 19 at Melkweg Expo. Organized by Tailors & Wearers in collaboration with Melkweg Expo.
Jane Stjeward-Schubert, co-founder of Tailors & Wearers, will introduce you to the world of the Angisa and the Koto, essential components of Afro-Surinamese attire. The Angisa, a colorful headpiece folded from starched cloth, carries a rich history and cultural messages. In the workshop, you will learn about the history of the Angisa, how to tailor, starch, and iron the cloth, and various folding techniques to create well-known designs.
There are only 6 spots available, so sign up quickly via with a short motivation explaining why you want to participate.
This event has been co-organised with Tailors & Wearers and has been made possible by the Mondriaan Fund.