Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

De expo is open van dinsdag t/m zondag, van 11:00 - 23:00 uur, en gratis te bezoeken. Ingang via MILK, Marnixstraat 409.
In the exhibition 'Everything for the Image', Trees Heil works with the intimate and complex relationship between identity, desire, and self-expression from a female perspective. The female and queer body is celebrated as a source of creativity and imagination through photography, video, and performance.
Her work delves into mental and physical experiences through a magical-realist lens. She embraces both vulnerability and the beauty of the unexpected. Heil mostly collaborates with female and queer models, using an intuitive approach. The models undergo a literal transformation during the creative process. Mutual exchange of ideas plays a central role here, which leads to a profound and meaningful collaboration.
'Everything for the Image' investigates the potential of the body and the power of physical expression. Heil creates a platform where pleasure, curiosity, and creativity meet, aiming to liberate the body from conventional notions.
Discover Trees Heil
Image: 'Heta, The Pink Witch' by Trees Heil (2024).
This programme is supported by the Mondriaan Fund and Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.