Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Dit concert is wegens omstandigheden verplaatst naar maandag 10 juni 2024. Reeds gekochte tickets en lidmaatschappen blijven geldig. Mocht je onverhoopt niet kunnen op de nieuwe datum dan is het mogelijk om restitutie aan te vragen bij Ticketmaster via
The timetable will be listed here as soon as it is complete
A special evening with two true reggae legends: Leroy Sibbles and Errol Dunkley! Leroy Sibbles is best known as singer and bassist of The Heptones and has been a central figure in the reggae scene for decades. With The Heptones, as a Studio 1 session musician and solo, he has been fusing soul, R&B and reggae since 1965 and is one of the most influential artists in the genre. Accompanying him will be Errol Dunkley, another well-known name in the Jamaican music scene. He too has been on the scene for more than five decades and is known for hits such as "Black Cinderella" and "OK Fred". His distinctive voice and unique style have left an indelible mark on reggae!