Year members

Being a Melkweg year member gives you a whole range of benefits for only € 25 per year. You get free admission to numerous concerts, club nights and shows, as well as discounts to cinema, theatre performances and the Encore club night, plus you don't have to buy a monthly membership ticket. You also receive a 10% discount on all CDs, LPs and DVDs at Concerto and Plato. Want to find out which upcoming events are free for year members? Please go to Events.
You simply buy the year membership online, just as easy as buying a single concert ticket. You do not have to pay any service costs, only the transaction fee. The benefits apply directly after your purchase and the year membership is automatically added to your Ticketmaster account.
Year Member Advantages
- Free admission to numerous concerts, club nights and shows. For an overview, please go to the Events page.
- Your Year Membership is automatically added to your Ticketmaster account.
- 10% discount to all CDs, LPs and DVDs at Concerto (Amsterdam) and Plato (Utrecht, Leiden, Zwolle, Groningen, Deventer).
- Regular newsletter listing all the Year Member discounts and offers.
- Regular extra deals and last-minute discounts via the Year Member Facebook Page
For further details, please read the
General Terms and Conditions Melkweg Year Membership