• Concert

RADAR: Yan Lâle / Dorpsstraat 3


Please note: this event has already taken place

  • Price:
  • € 10,35
  • Free for year members
  • Free for We Are Public

We Are Public-leden dienen vooraf te reserveren via wearepublic.nl.

19:30 Doors 20:00 Dorpsstraat 3 21:15 Yan Lâle

Discover the latest Dutch acts at Melkweg RADAR, live from the UP! On the June 26 edition, we welcome Yan Lâle and Dorpsstraat 3!

Dorpsstraat 3
Balancing between post-punk and synthwave, Dorpsstraat 3's music takes inspiration from different types of music that come from very different places both geographically and in time and throws it all together. Sometimes it seems like these influences have always belonged together and sometimes it confuses you. Dorpsstraat 3 tells stories you haven't heard before!

Yan Lâle
Amsterdam based Yan Lale explores the depths of psychedelic soundscapes. Led by captivating (English/Turkish) vocals, the band fuses a lot of traditional influences. Their live performance takes the audience on a journey to otherworldly realms.