Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Dit programma kan als gevolg van de maatregelen rondom het coronavirus geen doorgang vinden op 2 april 2022. Het programma is daarom verplaatst naar donderdag 8 december 2022, en vindt nu plaats in de Upstairs. Kaarten en lidmaatschappen blijven geldig voor deze nieuwe datum, kaartkopers ontvangen per mail meer informatie over wat te doen bij verhindering op deze nieuwe datum.
20:00 Zaal open 21:00 Sophie & The Giants
The Sheffield quartet Sophie & The Giant draws inspiration from bands such as PJ Harvey, Caroline Polachek, Radiohead and Blondie. They have been quietly building on their success since 2017, but the breakthrough came with the single 'Hypnotized' in 2020. In collaboration with German producers Purple Disco Machine, the band shot into the spotlight with more than 200 million streams. After a hit with that format usually follows a big tour. It has been postponed for the well-known reasons, but the band is more than ready to conquer the world in 2022!