Skip to content- Official company name:
Stichting Melkweg (Melkweg Foundation)
- ANBI status:
De Melkweg is registered with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration as a General Benefit Institution (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling - ANBI). Click here for the form.
- RSIN or fiscal number: 2959835
- KVK: 41200472
- Annual reports and financial accountability:
- Annual report and figures 2019
- Annual report and figures 2020
- Annual report and figures 2021
- Annual report and figures 2022
- Annual report and figures 2023
- Mailing address:
Lijnbaansgracht 234A 1017 PH Amsterdam
- Phone:
- Website:
- General mail address:
- Objective / Mission:
The Melkweg foundation aims to: - organise and produce high-quality activities in the field of art, culture and society, at national and international level for a wide audience, with a special focus on innovation, supporting experimentation and to create a platform for young talent and subcultures; - offering a stimulating environment in order to contribute to social awareness and cohesion, interaction between different audiences and with attention to developments in society; and, furthermore, everything connected with it or supportive thereto in the broadest sense of the word. All income from the foundation is used to realise this mission.
- Main policy plan:
See page 3 in the document Stichting Melkweg Cultural Programming for the vision of the Melkweg and pages 6 to 9 for the programming. (Written in Dutch)
- Committee composition:
The Melkweg has an Managing Director, Laura Vogelsang, and a Supervisory Board (Raad van Toezicht - RvT). The RvT consists of: David Lauwen (chairman), Lara Ankersmit, Pay Kolmüs, Valentijn Brouwer, Marieke van Well en Mala Paltoe.
- The committee and RVT:
Receive no compensation or holiday pay.
- Explanation:
- Compensation policy director:
The compensation policy is in accordance with the 'Guidelines on Compensation of Directors' of the CAO NPF. The Supervisory Committee determines the compensation of the Managing Director. The Managing Director has an appointment for an indefinite period. Melkweg does not state the compensation of the statutory Managing Director pursuant to article 2: 383 paragraph 1 of the Dutch Civil Code, since the statement can be reduced to one natural person.
- The staff follows:
CAO Dutch stages and festivals