Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
18:30 doors 19:00 start
Filmmaker and drummer Will Wissink grew up in the turbulent The Hague music scene of the 1960s/70s as the son of the lead guitarist of Willy and his Giants. After the death of his father, he became curious about how other legendary pop stars from his boyhood years fared. For seven years, he travels through the musical landscape of Rudy Bennett (The Motions), Joop Roelofs & Peter Vink (Q65), Nicko Christiansen (Livin' Blues), and Hans Vandenburg (Gruppo Sportivo) to discover what motivates these over-70s to still be surprisingly active with music. This leads to penetrating portraits of idiosyncratic, inspired musicians who have all uniquely shaped our contemporary Dutch pop culture.