Would you like something to eat or drink? You are welcome in our own MILK café.

Please note: this event has already taken place
Met een regulier festivalticket krijg je gratis toegang tot de afterparty. Een nachtticket is enkel voor de afterparty en geeft toegang vanaf 23:00.
15:30 Doors Het volledige blokkenschema vind je op deze pagina! / The complete festival schedule can be found on this page!
Let’s release some ANGER during PRETTY PISSED! Pretty Pissed is a day filled with punk in the broadest sense of the genre, as long as it's pissed! Let yourself be carried away by the energy of shredding guitars, ruthless drums, heartfelt lyrics, and we're not afraid to embrace some electronic beats!
With plenty in this world to be angry about, a new generation has found its voice of discontent and protest in punk. Raw, brutally honest, outspoken, and loud - punk has never been as genuine as it is now. The first edition of this intense punk festival at Melkweg is the perfect moment to unleash your anger in the mosh pit while uncompromising acts scrutinize the established order.
And as if a day filled with punk isn't enough?! We dive into the night with the defiant Amsterdam label Wap Shoo Wap. Besides spinning tunes themselves, a night wouldn't be complete without bands! We close things off in style with The Covids, No Brains, and Coco Cocaine! The afterparty is free with your Pretty Pissed festival ticket!
Supported by Liveurope: the first pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European music.